
A quick tutorial of developing new plugins for DictHubExtension.

Create a new Plugin

DictHubExtension is designed to be extensible by plugins, to support translation/dictionary from a new source, a new plugin can be easily created and published. Below are the quick steps for creating an example plugin:

Set up local development and testing environment

  1. Checkout template plugin-local-test to local:
    git clone
  2. Start an local http server to serve the plugin content, e.g. python built-in quick http server:
    python3 -m http.server 7777

    Confirm that http://localhost:7777/index.json and http://localhost:7777/plugin-local-test.js is accessible from browser.

  3. Add local test repository url to config:
    Use and add http://localhost:7777/index.json to repository list. Now Local Test Plugin should be listed in PluginList.
  4. Select any text in a webpage, and trigger DictHub popup or overlay page,
    Echo Query
    Powered by Local Test

    should be displayed on popup or overlay page.

Pull translation data and render result

For plugins, the following framework/lib are pre-loaded and plugins can use:

The following steps suggests the general way of creating logic of the plugin:

  1. Find the url pattern from user query to source.
    E.g. if we’re writing a plugin for wikipedia, for Ninja the url is
  2. Load the source content html (or JSON)
    You could use jQuery.ajax()(or get(), post()) or raw XMLHttpRequest to fetch the content.
  3. Parse the content to get the result plugin want to render for user
    E.g. for wikipedia, the first paragraph is usally the brief definition of the query, we could use
    $(".mw-parser-output:first > p:first")

    To extract the first paragraph content.

  4. Render the result in a user-friendly way including:
    • Since most of other translation results are using Bootstrap components, it’s better to keep aligned with same style;
    • Include the full source url for futher checking by user;
    • When no such entry exists, show a message indicates no such query;
    • When parse html failed, show a warning message and preferably a bug report link to the plugin repository

Publish the plugin