
Get started with DictHub, customize translation experice with the built-in powerful plugin framework.

Chrome Firefox Edge

Meet DictHub..

DictHub is designed for..

  • Save time for translation during web reading, without transiting to another page;
  • Understand the word better than just simple translation
  • See translation in multiple languages (e.g. native language + english)

DictHub is not great for..

  • Long text translation
  • Whole webpage/file translation

How does it work?

DictHub extension is built with to components:

  • DictHub extension framework which listens user query event and passes to plugins
  • DictHub plugins fetch web result of sources, convert result to html content and pass to extension to render.

Long story short, DictHub does nothing more than fetching the translation webpage (e.g. GoogleTranslation) and render on same webpage.

The way DictHub shows translation is inspired by a great extension Greasemonkey

Sounds cool! How to contribute?

DictHubExtension is an open source project licensed under MIT license, plugins are mostly under GPLv3 or MIT license.

Contributions are greatly appreciated to turn your effort into impact!

Next Step

See our Install page for instructions and Config page to personalize your preference.